For self-catering visitors
The following catering equipment is available:
- 4 Cooking pots (25, 20 and 10 liter)
- 5 Oven pans
- 5 Mixing bowls
- 3 Microwave bowls
- 3 Water buckets
- 3 Juice buckets (with tap)
- 1 Colander
- 5 Spatulas
- 5 Kitchen spoons
- 5 Glass jugs
- 3 Vegetable peelers
- 1 Can opener
- 1 Grater
- 3 Cutting boards
Visitors must please bring own knives, dishcloths, dishwashing detergents, matches and candles
* If you would like to have catering for you stay, please view our menu options on our Catering page